Always wondered about scurries, working tests and field trials ....

A scurry is normally a fun based competition, and is always run against the clock.
The fastest dog wins.
There could be 3 or 4 retrieves set out for you to complete. Some scurries make you run on the clock continuously, and do not stop the clock in between each retrieve. However some scurries stop the clock on each return of the dog.
There may be the use of starting pistol, or dummy launchers. Normally the standard 1lb dummies are used. Sometimes there are blind retrieves to achieve with your dog.
Scurries are normally found at game fairs. This is a great way to start getting into small competitions.

Working tests are normally conducted using dummies, and judged in many ways but for a guide the following information will be enough to give you a good idea what is expected. They are good introduction to competitions, and also a good way to keep your eye in when the game season has finished.
If it is a spaniel working test,your dog will be required to hunt in a reasonable fashion, and cover the ground ensuring no cover is missed. Whilst hunting is taking place a shot may be fired, and a dummy thrown. Your dog may be required to retrieve this, or possibly wait while another dog hunting alongside you does. There will possibly be blind retrieves for your dog to find too. A working test is scored on points awarded by the judges.
A retriever working test is similar, but the retriever will not be required to hunt cover unless it is for a dummy.
Retrievers are required to be at heel at all times, until the judge sends you for the retrieve.
Working Tests are held for various levels of training, usually Puppy, Novice, and Open. There can be as few as ten dogs, but as many as 40 + dogs in each event.
Normally the standard 1lb dummies are used. There may be the use of starting pistol, and dummy launchers.
Working tests are held by Gundog clubs around the country, and also at game fairs
Field Trials were developed to test the working ability of Gundogs in competitive conditions.
Trials resemble, as closely as possible, a day's shooting in the field and dogs are expected to work with all manner of game, from rabbits and hares, to partridges and pheasants.
Like Working Tests, trials for Spaniels and Retrievers are different.
Spaniels are required to hunt, flush and retrieve and work the ground, normally in pairs, in front of walking guns in a line with judges.
Retriever trials are based around marking and retrieving. Some trials are based on a 'walked-up' shoot day. Up to four dogs walking in line with the Judges and Guns.... shooting birds that rise ahead for the dogs to retrieve.
Some retriever trials can also be based on a driven shoot, with the dogs in line, showing steadiness to birds coming over and being shot in front.... the dogs are sent when the drive is over.