We are open
Sunday 7th June, 10am-12noon
Stubbs Hall, Hampole, DN6 7EZ
Restricted to groups of 5
Pre-booked only via website shop (Booking available from 7pm tonight)
Social distancing MUST be maintained at all times
See below for full details... Who's excited?!
Kirkbourne Spaniels - New Group Training Policy effective 1 June 2020
Here are our new procedures please read them and confirm you will adhere to these. Any one not adhering to these rules will be asked to leave without a refund.
As we continue to monitor the advice and guidance of the Government and WHO, we are now preparing to return to work in a safe manner, which enables us to resume our Group Training in small, pre-booked groups.
In order to maintain the safety of all parties, we have put new measures in place and adjusted how we participate in training sessions. Anyone booking and attending a Group Training Session must comply with the following conditions:
- The booking is for one handler, one dog. Spectators or other family members will not permitted at this current time
- Bring your own dummies, canvas or plastic or tennis balls
- Maintain a minimum of 2m distance between yourself, the trainer and other handlers at all times
- Use an alcohol-based hand gel before and after training for your own safety
- The wearing of masks is optional. It is not currently a requirement as we train out in the open and are not in a confined space
- Training sessions must be pre-booked, cash will not be accepted
- Please do not enter the training field without being asked by one of our trainers.
- If you have any symptoms or are unwell in any way, DO NOT ATTEND, a full refund will be given
Additional notes:
- We have the landowner's permission to resume Group Training Sessions
- You will use and throw your own dummies, we will not handle your dummies
- All the above is subject to continuing review in line with any changes in government guidance.
Regards Kirkbourne
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