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Alfi kinnon 

He has been with us for a long time from being a young puppy here is his take on this years picking up

Theo’s first time picking up

After the Aske walked up shoot day, Alfie decided that Theo was ready to be taken into the

shooting field at 2 years old. As the shooting season draws to a close it was the perfect time to slowly introduce a young dog into the field. Theo worked alongside his dad Cai and another one of Cai’s pups Poppy, this gave Theo the experience to have a number of dogs retrieving while he has to sit and wait his turn (which is also a skill learnt through group sessions). Having picked warm game before at the walked up day, Alfie knew that there would be no issue and could therefore send Theo for a retrieve with full confidence in him. Alfie was pleased with Theo’s ability to fit in well with the picking up pack and pick some long distance birds. An over all enjoyable day in the shooting field !

1 Comment

Unknown member
Jan 29, 2020

Well done Alfie and Theo 🐾🐶

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